Bankruptcy Monitoring

Monitor for bankruptcy filings and events.

Never Miss Another Notification

Scrub For Previous Filings

Scrub your portfolio and find past bankruptcies.

Live Bankruptcy Match

We are watching every filing in real-time to generate notifications.

Smart Catch

We utilize advanced matching tech to detect bankruptcies others can't.

Advanced Case Monitoring

The most advanced docket event monitoring with machine learning.
Person with bankruptcy workflows automated

Bring Monitoring to Your Workflow

Make bankruptcy monitoring work for you by incorporating it into your workflow.

The BankruptcyWatch Platform

Use our platform to scrub, monitor, and get results in minutes.


Bring monitoring to your system by connecting an integrated platform or requesting that we integrate with yours.


Connect bankruptcy monitoring to a spreadsheet, Zapier, Jira, and more.


Easily build bankruptcy monitoring into your system with our well-documented API.

How it Works

Typing on computer

Add your portfolio of consumers or businesses through our platform, an integration, or API.

Checking notifications

Receive notifications for all relevant bankruptcy cases or important case events.


Use our seamless product integrations to research case data or respond to filings.

Key Product Features

Smart Notifications

Reduce risk with instant case updates regardless of how or whether the debtor lists you. Our notifications use advanced matching tools to catch any relevant bankruptcy case.

End-to-End Reliability

Rest easy knowing we use cutting-edge cloud architecture to maintain end-to-end uptime for our services. Additionally, we operate to provide availability and bug reports for all 94 US Bankruptcy Courts.

Massive Cost Savings

It isn’t uncommon for our clients to experience labor cost reductions related to bankruptcy by 80% or more, a 15%-50% reduction in PACER fees, and improved collections. We also guarantee a lower cost than any other similar service.

Start Monitoring In Minutes

Begin bankruptcy monitoring with just a few clicks.

Bankruptcy Monitoring Platform Example

Scrub. Monitor.Get Results.